Extending Kustomize: Basic Templating

Kustomize is my favorite tool to manage the bunch of YAML we need to manage operating our clusters and applications. Since it is integrated in kubectl and oc, it is possible to apply a config to your cluster using one command. Or if you like Gitops, ArgoCD can sync your kustomize layer(s) stored in git automatically. A project usually consists of a base layer and a few subsidiary layers that are customized versions of the base....

May 22, 2022 · 4 min · Maarten Steenhuyse

Some takes on OKD

OKD is the open source equivalent of RedHat’s Openshift product. Openshift is an opiniated patched Kubernetes flavour, marketing itself as more developer oriented and more secure. I always forget what the acronym OKD stands for, so Google it yourself it you like to know. Changing jobs about a year ago, I inherited some long running clusters and the internal work flow using and operating the platforms. I had about 4 years of experience operating and developing on ‘vanilla’ Kubernetes before....

May 22, 2022 · 9 min · Maarten Steenhuyse