Kubernetes platforms

It has been a while.. Something you might have read before on a personal tech blog. My devops professional life at this moment can be summarized as follows: get rid of virtual machines and old platforms and replace them with kubernetes. Platform design Anno 2024 I prefer to build self contained small platforms with internal (hyperconverged) storage versus platforms that have inter dependencies and some traditional central storage solution. The benefit should be clear: when shit really hits the fan (f....

April 20, 2024 · 5 min · Maarten Steenhuyse

KubeVirt: VMs in a VM... Running in an k8s pod

It is a crazy world we live in. Yesterday we use to test Kubernetes on our trusty virtualization platform. Today we are very busy containerizing workloads, getting rid of virtualization and old infrastructure in the process. Tomorrow we control all infrastructure using the k8s api? I surely hope so: we like to push some change to the infra repository and lean back while the k8s reconciliation loop is configuring infrastructure accordingly....

June 19, 2022 · 6 min · Maarten Steenhuyse

Running Virtual Machines in Kubernetes

I heard about the Virtualisation project a while ago but it was until recently, I gave it a spin. I was pleasantly surprised of what’s possible and how well it works. What? Why? It does sound a bit crazy, right? We use to host kubernetes using VMs, or you are still doing that in the public cloud, and now we turn this around? In my opinion kubernetes should be run on bare metal machines for optimal performance: contention with other VMs is non existing obviously and storage is directly connected to k8s....

June 4, 2022 · 7 min · Maarten Steenhuyse